4.2.3. Enrex Offsetting Dapp

Offset directly using Enrex token (in the following operations) based on your choice of a certificate (CO2 allowances or renewable energy certificate):

  • Crypto transactions

  • Smart contracts


  • Mining

Enrex decentralised application (dapp) lets you offset your certificates by entering comments to provide the cancellation amount and the cancellation object. The dapp performs the automation of certificate cancelling in the real world registries and issues an NFT as proof of cancellation. All cancellations are tracked on blockchain and real-world registries with proof of traceability. Again, dapp is the further step in a proof-of-history architectural style of Enrex's ecosystem.

First use cases are being spread among North America's blockchain markets and are being covered with renewable energy certificates (RECs) and the Midwest Renewable Energy Tracking System and registry (M-RETS) (https://www.mrets.org/).

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