4.2.1. Web Offsetting Widget

The introduction of a widget of sorts, that traces and offsets carbon emissions expediently generated by website attendance. Not only does Enrex concern themselves with cleaning out the cryptocurrency and blockchain environment, but we have also opted to branch out to simple web offsetting operations as well.

The main goal of the Widget is to provide an additional voluntary solution for certain website visitors and their handlers to offset their visitation emissions. Furthermore, the Widget provides a broader exposition for Enrex and its native token - $ENRX.

The widget epitomises a standard or a sign of approval. It symbolises a certain business's or website's determination to go in the direction of a greener side of the industry - an act of serious positioning within the environmental concern debate. 'Widgeting' a website - announcing one's willingness to go carbon neutral.

Within the widget's properties, one gains viewership access to full energy consumption and widget usage analytics. Among those, there are:

  • A full roster of websites already using the Enrex widget.

    • Inside a singular entry: kWh usage average for single and annual visits; CO2 amounts produced by single and annual visits.

  • A full accounting of kWh consumption and CO2 generation.

  • A full amount of visitors who have used the widget to offset their visitation.

Every yearly quarter Enrex issues an appropriate financial offset instrument to account for that quarter's calculated energy consumption and CO2 emissions (e.g. renewable energy certificates, carbon allowances, etc.).

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